And I thought it was going to be a good day . . .

So I only have one class today, at 11:40 am. So I decide to sleep in and take it easy a bit (I'll still go to class and then spend the rest of the day studying at school). I'm sitting in bed, checking email and looking at legos on eBay, and finally decide I ought to get up. Of course, I don't give myself enough time to get ready, so I'm a little rushed, and I finally make it out the door at 11:30. I know I'll be a little late, maybe 10 minutes, but figure that's not the end of the world. I hop on my bike and head toward school.

And then my bike tire pops. I'm still about a mile from campus, but I don't know of any bike shops in Hayes Valley (unless by "bike shop" I mean "gourmet sandwich shop," in which case I'm fine). So I walk my fucking bike the rest of the way and chain it up at school. I'll have to find somewhere to take it this afternoon. Needless to say I missed my class; I could have gone for the last 15 minutes but at that point it's really not worth it.

So I try sitting on the Beach (the concrete patio in front of Hastings) but the clouds roll in so I can't do that.  There's pretty much only one other place for students to hang out (thanks to the construction), that's in the Gold Reading Room.  It's still pretty early in the day, I can probably get a nice study room somewhere and live in my cave for the next six hours.

Not a chance.  Since it's the only place to hang out, everyone else is here too.  They're even spilling into the hallway outside.  It's hard to even find a study carol.

The truth is it could still be a good day. I'm at school, my beautiful wife packed me a delicious and healthy lunch, and I still got some exercise in. So we'll see. But it's an inauspicious start.