Can ya Digg it?

My blog is even fancier now. Like one of my articles? Think the whole world should know about it? Thanks to a new plugin, now you can automatically submit it to a social news site like Digg,, etc. I only picked the most popular ones, but if you think I should add another one, let me know!

(This goes back to the whole Web 2.0 thing.  These sites are collections of news that the users found interesting.  They vote up articles they like and vote down articles they don't.  Once again, it doesn't matter where the news comes from.  You can view it the way YOU want to.  News is no longer spoon fed to you by a corporation; it is an interactive, social process.)

I also installed a "captcha" for my comments. You've seen these before. When you submit a comment, it shows you some distorted letters and you have to type them in. Spam bots can't read them but humans can. The result: my spam has dropped down to zero. I'm going to be putting captcha features on my gallery and guestbook, too.

The result? I can take down some of my security features. Make my site more open and friendly to people who want to leave comments.

Other news . . . Yelena's off in Costa Rica for two weeks, leaving me home alone with my stacks of legal homework. She's earned it, though: she finished pharmacy school.

This weekend: another CW reenactment. I still haven't posted the pictures from the St. Patrick's Day Parade. Good news, though: our unit won first place again! Erin go braugh!