I blew a fuse.

No, really.  The dishwasher was running, and Yelena turned on the electric kettle to make tea.  The circuit breaker tripped and all the lights went out (thank you, Dear Landlord, for putting everything on a single circuit with 50-year-old wiring).  So I went downstairs and threw the circuit breaker.  Everything went back on, including the electric kettle and the dishwasher (gee, maybe it would have been a good idea to turn those off before turning the power back on).  As power suddenly flowed through the circuit again, it surged and fried a fuse.  Yes, we have a circuit breaker AND a fuse box.  I just discovered this tonight.  Turns out we also have a box of spare fuses so I was able to replace it and everything went back on.  Hooray.

Oh, and I also fixed Sarah's pictures in my photo gallery.  They should be viewable now.

Koplowicz.com - Sarah