McCain's Letterman Appearance

Oh wait, there wasn't one.  Because he needs to go "save the nation."  Letterman may just be a funnyman--an old, slightly stodgy funnyman--but he makes three really good points:

  • When the chief executive needs to take care of a crisis, do you suspend the whole operation?  No, you let the VP take over.  Unless your VP is an inexperienced Alaskan governor who's afraid of reporters.
  • If McCain had to cancel on Letterman to go solve the crisis, why did he take an interview with Katie Couric THE SAME NIGHT?  (No kidding.  They have the live video in the Letterman clip.)
  • Maybe this has nothing to do with the economy.  Maybe it has to do with McCain slipping in the polls, having less money, and a campaign manager who was in bed with Freddie Mac.


"Crater?  I hardly know 'er!"

Let's also keep in mind that McCain has nothing to do in Washington.  He's not on the finance committee.  He's not in charge of anything, except his own campaign, which he just ran away from.  This is classic Rovian doubletalk for him to claim it's not about politics, when that's really all it's about.
