Nerdier than thou

How many of you post on a forum every day?  (Not comments on a blog, not Digg, but a real threaded forum.)  How many of you administer your own forum?  How many of you are thinking of hosting your own forum?  How many of you want to compare the feature sets of several different forums to find the best one for you?  Anyone left?  OK, check it out:
ForumMatrix - Compare Them All

I should have a new blog category for "ridiculously, unbelievably nerdy."

In other news, the memory in my computer started dying.  I have two chips, and one of them started working at 50%.  Then it failed completely.  The funny thing is it took me like a week to notice because linux is so damn fast.  With 256 MB of ram Windows would fucking die.  Linux takes a small performance hit and keeps on chugging, eye candy, virtual machines, and all.  Paris Hilton would say "that's hot."

In other news, my last final ever is tomorrow.  Rock on.