Thank God someone is saying it


On the other hand, my Muslim friend Kareem would disagree with Dr. Sultan.  He argues that the extremism we're seeing is not true Islam; it has been corrupted to serve political goals.  Even the Taliban openly admitted that their treatment of women wasn't motivated so much by sharia as it was by a desire to easily control half the population.  They would have done it to men too if they could have found a religious excuse for it.

Meanwhile you have the Queen of Jordan getting on television, wearing a power suit and speaking in perfect English, saying that she believes there is a place for feminism in modern Islam.

Nevertheless, I think Dr. Sultan hit on an important point: what we are seeing is the clash between modernism and savagery.  Friedman recently wrote an article talking about how Israelis aspire to start a dot-com and have their company bought by Rupert Murdoch.  Palestinians and Lebanese aspire to die for their cause and take down as many Jews as possible with them.  My impression is more and more people on the Arab Street are starting to talk like Dr. Sultan, but the men with guns keep stopping them.

That's the real problem: people who resort to violence keep winning over the people who don't.  Now that the UN Security Counsel has passed that resolution, hopefully we can see Lebanon take back their own country from Hezbollah.  Then maybe the Muslims who believe in peace and prosperity can win over the Muslims who believe in war and martyrdom.