Top 10 Ways Studying is Like Punk Rock

10. think they're loaded with deep meaning about the world and the way it works . . . but they're really not
9. It's hard to understand why anyone would actually enjoy it

8. After a night of it, you have a splitting headache

7. The people who are actually doing it don't shop at Hot Topic

6. The groupies aren't as good as you'd think

5. no one else really understands what you're talking about (but it makes perfect sense to you)

4. Green Day doesn't do it

3. An odd stench makes you authentic

2. Typically, your parents partially finance it

1. You stop doing it after a certain age

Credit to my friend Tony for about half of these.  I noticed his away message was "Studying for finals IS NOT PUNK ROCK," so of course I had to refute that claim.

Turns out we're wrong anyway.  Studying for finals is not, actually, punk rock.