He Rolled Over!
Nathan rolled over for the first time today!
This would have been a big deal for any kid, but even moreso with Nathan, since he was born small and a month premature (IUGR - intra-uterine growth restricted). We've been working hard to get him to grow and the doctor says he's still only 25th percentile. That's a lot better than when he was born (3rd percentile) but still small. Also, even though he's been out of the whomb for five and a half months, his gestational age is only four months. We've been very conscious of this as we've watched him grow.
The good news is he's been on the money all the way down the line--for his birth age. That means for his gestational age, he's really a month ahead of schedule. This is fantastic news to a couple of worried parents with an IUGR baby. He was a month early for holding up his head, propping himself up for tummy time, standing, and now rolling over.
In other words, he's awesome. And we're proud parents.
In other news, looks like I finally figured out how to post blog updates to Facebook. I'll be cleaning up all my "another test" posts. Sorry for the mess.
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