Drupal Video Gallery with jQuery
What's new? Oh my goodness, so many things I don't have time to talk about. But I absolutely have to share this. I spent all day trying to figure it out. Congratulations, net wanderer, you get to benefit from my wisdom.
The task: Create a video gallery in Drupal. The client wants multiple videos attached to a single node, with thumbnails. When you click on a thumbnail, the video opens in a larger box on the same page. The videos will either come from youtube or vimeo.
What you'll need:
- Drupal 6 or 7
- Embedded Media Field
- Media: Vimeo
- Media: Youtube
- jQuery UI
- jQuery Update
- Customized theme template (eg. page-node.tpl.php)
Embedded Media Field requires CCK so I'm assuming you have that, and all the other dependencies.
Step 1
Create a custom video field in your content type. We use Embedded Media Field because it automatically parses the youtube/vimeo link and gives us useful information like which provider it is, and creates a thumbnail which is stored locally.
Step 2
Add the following code to your theme template file:
<?php // Jquery display for videos. $result passes the nid to the view so it will display the results for this page. If no results, the view does not display. $result = $node->nid; //this grabs the current node ID $viewName = 'videos'; $display_id = 'default'; $vid_delta = 0; $videos = $umrdb->getall('SELECT field_video_embed, delta, field_video_value, field_video_provider FROM content_field_video WHERE nid=?', $result); //here we're pulling info directly from the mysql database using a custom function if ($videos[0]['field_video_embed'] != ''): //if there is no video, this box disappears ?><div id="property-photos" class="ui-corner-all ui-widget-content"> //custom theming <h2 class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all">Video</h2> <div id="bigvidwrap"> <iframe width="560" height="345" id="vidhere" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/8428869" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> //one static video to start us off </div> <div id="tinyvidwrapper"> //here's where the thumbnails go <div id="tinyvidwrap"> <div class="tinyvids"> <?php foreach ($videos as $item) { if ($item['delta'] != '') { $vidprovider = $item['field_video_provider']; $vidid = $item['field_video_value']; ?><img onclick="changeText('<?php print $vidprovider ?>','<?php print $vidid ?>')" src="/sites/default/files/emvideo-<?php print $item['field_video_provider'] . '-' . $item['field_video_value'] ?>.jpg" width="80px"/><?php ; //this pulls the thumbnail from the local server, and sends a signal to the javascript we'll be writing later } ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?>
Step 3
Create a javascript and put it in the <head> section. Depending on how your theme is constructed, that might be the same template file as above.
<script> function changeText(provider,ID) { if (provider == "youtube") { document.getElementById("vidhere").src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + ID; } else { document.getElementById("vidhere").src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/" + ID; } } </script>
We've sent two variables to the javascript: the provider (where the video is coming from), and a unique identifier that the provider uses to identify the video. There's a simple if/else statement to create an embed link if it's youtube, or if it's vimeo. It finds the object with the ID #vidhere, which is the iframe we created above, and it replaces the source of the iframe with the new embed code.
Put it all together, and you get this:
Sorry about the poor markup; I'm not used to pasting code on my blog. Right now I'm too busy to make cosmetic changes to my personal site. But at least my code is pretty clean, and I added lots of //comments to make it easier to understand.
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