Environmentally Friendlier Than Thou
My web host just informed me that they've gone green. That may not sound like a big deal (how much energy could teh Internets possibly take?) but it actually is. You know the computer under your desk? Imagine a computer ten times the size. Now imagine twenty of those. That's a small server farm. It uses a lot of electricity, and it generates a lot of heat, which has to be air conditioned using more electricity. My web host now gets all that electricity from wind power.
This follows on the heels of me calling the trash company to request a bigger recycling bin. We are recycling so much (and throwing away so little) that we actually needed a larger bin. Next I'm thinking of downgrading our trash bin, which will actually save us money every month (you only pay for the trash bin; recycling and compost are free).
Hooray for me and my green-ness.
(Nathan's doing fine; update soon.)
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