GOP makes much ado about the size of Pelosi's plane / The House speaker has had the use of a government jet since the Sept. 11 attacks

GOP makes much ado about the size of Pelosi's plane / The House speaker has had the use of a government jet since the Sept. 11 attacks
"They're trying to make something out of something that's not there. They have nothing else to talk about so they're making an issue of this.''

That sums it up.  This is typical GOP partisanship.  When Pelosi was elected House Minority Leader, the only thing the Republicans could say about her was she was a "San Francisco liberal."  Oh my God, really?  Not a San Francisco liberal!  Even among liberals, we all know that the San Francisco kind is the worst!

How to connect to wireless networks in Kubuntu

The easiest way is to use the built-in Wireless Assistant. It's simple and works well, but it's annoying to use because you have to enter your password every time and it won't sit in your menu bar.

The better way is KNetworkManager.

A really thoughtful look at the evolution of information

YouTube - Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

I've talked about Web 2.0 before, but not like this.  This video will get you to look at management of information in a new way.  Seriously.

An anti-Mac diatribe!

Guardian Unlimited | I hate Macs

Anti-Mac advocates are pretty rare, kind of like anti-Canada advocates.  Most PC users are part of the comfortable majority, and see the 5% Mac user base as a small fly on their windshield.

This particular diatribe suffers from two problems.

Rest In Peace

Our hamster died today.  It was a real shock.  He was young and should have lived for another two years at least.  We noticed that he seemed more lethargic lately, and was drinking a lot of water, but nothing that led us to suspect that he was sick.  We don't really know why he died, but we do know he will be missed.  We buried him in the backyard, in his rolly ball.  Rest in peace, little buddy.

Another day, another bash on Microsoft

REVIEW / Vista launches / Should you buy it now? Here's what the new Microsoft operating system has and why you may want to wait
"We all know that Microsoft has been copying Macintosh since 1984," he said. "It looks like it, it acts like it, but it's not as good. Vista is the worst example of this I've ever seen."

Congress, the Constitution and War: The Limits on Presidential Power - New York Times

Congress, the Constitution and War: The Limits on Presidential Power - New York Times

This is an argument I've been having with some of my friends.  I've been insisting that Congress does have the power to pull us out of Iraq.  I'm glad someone agrees with me.

Even aliens use it.

Videos of the day

I'm a completely normal person.

This blogger personality test was from the same guy who did the "why I hate blogs" rant:

Congratulations! You're a totally normal person.

If you had a weblog, it'd probably be a great one!


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