Another argument in favor of music file sharing.

Why Most Artists Profit from Piracy at Torrentfreak

I'm getting pretty close to tipping the balance.  I'm not talking about engaging in illegal activity myself (I'd never do that), I'm talking about supporting it on a philosophical level.

It passes the Mother Test

Shooting the Kids - » Yo Mamma Likes Ubuntu

I've been saying for months that the real test for an OS is the "Mother Test" - can your mother run it successfully? Turns out the answer is yes. Not only is this guy's mother much happier with Linux than she ever was with Microsoft, but she's been telling her friends. Now the moms get on the phone and chat about how cool Linux is.

Leos are the best drivers

So, what's your sign? You crash here often? - Yahoo! News

Also, in preparation for the family snow trip after finals, I've redecorated my computer with a winter theme:

Warrior Monk, baby.

Like I needed a quiz to tell me that. 

Ignoring wisdom

As the Court observes at the outset of its opinion, there is reason to believe that respondent participated in an especially brutal murder of an American law enforcement agent. That fact, if true, may explain the Executive's intense interest in punishing [the defendant] in our courts. Such an explanation, however, provides no justification for disregarding the Rule of Law that this Court has a duty to uphold. That the Executive may wish to reinterpret the Treaty to allow for an action that the Treaty in no way authorizes should not influence this Court's interpretation.

It's like Google Earth for the rest of the universe

Celestia: Home

Nothing but the best for my procrastination efforts.  And, of course, it runs on Linux (and everything else--but especially Linux).

It's a New Year's Tree

And it's legit.

Yelena is famous


There's a new kind of entertainment now: video episodes "filmed" inside a multiplayer video game.  It's called "machinima."

YouTube - Red Vs Blue Episode 1

This is a long-running series based in the Halo world.  You have a few soldiers from Red Team, with apparently nothing to do.  They sit around, make conversation, and make fun of the new guy.  The production quality is excellent, and the dialogue is very clever.  I don't play Halo, but this stuff is worth watching.

How to do a lot of stuff in Linux

Main Page - Automatix Wiki

Automatix installs everything your Linux distro didn't come with but should have. 


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