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Free at last

Thankfully, my hosting account with Powweb is about to expire, so I've transfered to HostGator. I've had great success hosting with HostGator for the past six months; their site is much more responsive, they support Drupal, and their tech support is lightyears ahead of Powweb. Unfortunately, my domains are still registered with Powweb for another year. So I went to the Powweb control panel to point my domains to HostGator . . . and the control panel's broken. So I call tech support, but "Jennifer" can't help me either - all she can do is fill out a trouble ticket so someone else can look at it some time in the next three days. Meanwhile, Powweb noticed that the credit card they have on file isn't working any more, so they're trying to get me to renew. Every time they call, I ask them about the trouble ticket I opened six months ago - the one where I complain about their poor Drupal support. I've talked to three different sales reps now, and each time they promise they'll get back to me, but they never do. Powweb, if you're listening, this is why you're losing my business.

Edit: I woke up this morning to discover that had been "suspended," because my Powweb hosting payments were "past due."  (They actually weren't, but Powweb likes to say stuff like that.)  So I called billing and talked to a very friendly girl from India who fixed it for me.  Even gave me her last name for reference.  I told her I'd moved my hosting to another company, "and it's because of things like this."  She apologized and was very nice about it and the site is working again.

Now I'm wondering how many more times Powweb is going to be a pain in my ass.