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Peanuts Without the Punchline

For a couple years now I've been reading Garfield Minus Garfield, where someone takes old Garfield strips and removes the cat.  The result is a lonely John Arbuckle, making his way through suburban life in quiet desparation, and slowly going insane.  It's brilliant and provokes a lot of "I've had this feeling!" moments.  Here's one classic for you:
But now there's a new one: 3eanuts, where someone has removed the punchline from Peanuts comics.  The result is typically dark and depressing, somewhere between Fitzgerald and Kafka, with more than a little Sartre thrown in.  Par example:
According to the guy who does this, Schultz knew what he was doing:

Schulz was well aware that the dismal content of Peanuts, which is to say the stuff of life, is difficult to face without humor to aid us. By removing the final gag panel, we bring to the fore exactly how dark Schulz’s view of the world has always been. That this view often eludes us merely affirms Schulz’s skill at helping us to cope.

