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Scraping the Bottom

This is it: my photo backlog of four years is all gone.  Every single photograph I've ever shot has been processed, and the good ones uploaded to the intertubes.  Here are the final sets.

First, for your viewing pleasure, may I offer the San Francisco Zoo:

These photos aren't on Facebook because they include a friend's kid.  Also, as a special bonus, The Meerkat Show:

I hear they've been hired to star in the Three Stooges remake.

Finally, I've saved the best for last.  Last month, we took a trip to Santa Cruz with Yelena's mother.  We picked pumpkins from the very farm where I used to get them as a kid:

Then we visited Natural Bridges State Beach, where the entire population of monarch butterflies have roosted for the winter:

Finally, the Boardwalk, including the carousel, Ferris wheel, and, of course, the Cave Train:

A splendid time was had by all.

And that's it!  Now, time to take a crack at my video backlog . . .