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Rant #2: This Is America (In a Good Way)

Apparently there's a proposal to build a mosque on the site of the World Trade Center.  I like this idea.  No, really.

Of course, my knee-jerk reaction was "absolutely no way."  I don't believe that America is at war with Islam, but it's nevertheless true that the building was brought down by Muslims.  Building a mosque on the site would be like building a giant swastika in Israel.

Except, not really.

The truth is America is not at war with Islam.  The largest Muslim country in the world is one of our biggest allies (Indonesia).  Americans have fought and died for the rights of Muslims around the world (Lebanon, Kuwait, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan).  And America is a country that promises religious freedom to all.  Being a multi-ethnic country doesn't just mean tolerance, it means acceptance.  Muslims in this country have had a tough time since 9/11.  Let us not forget that they came here precisely because we are the greatest country in the world, and they share our ideals of the American dream.

Bush said "Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve."  That means that no matter how much pain the terrorists inflict, we are still Americans.  Our ideals are still true.  Bush was right that the terrorists hate our freedom, but no matter how hard they try, they will never destroy it.  The terrorists want to believe that Islam is at war with America, that we are the Great Satan and that there can never be peace.

That's precisely why putting a mosque at the WTC is a good idea.  Because it proves the strength of our ideals.  Just because a small handful of Muslims caused us harm, that doesn't mean that America hates Muslims.  On the contrary, our religious freedoms and tolerance are stronger now than they've ever been.  We are a country that celebrates every single one of its citizens.  The new WTC will be a literal monument to the strength of our nation and its ideals.  Knock us down, and we only rise up stronger, both physically and ideologically.  Every Muslim American deserves to celebrate the new WTC just as much as the rest of us.  And by allowing them that space for worship, we are making a statement about the strength of our ideals.  A statement so loud that it will be heard across the world.  A statement so strong that it can never be knocked down.  The terrorists are our enemies, but the Muslims are our friends--especially the Muslims who pledge allegiance to the Red, White, and Blue.  It is both our strength, and theirs, and should be celebrated.


PS: Adding a church and a temple would be a nice touch too.

Edit: Apparently the mosque isn't at the WTC, just nearby.  That makes opposition even more shameful, because then the message becomes "we don't want you anywhere near us."  I liked the idea of building a religious center at the site, including a mosque.