
I'm still here!  After 11 years on Drupal 7, I've upgraded.  It goes to 11 now.


First Day

Nathan used the potty today.

By "used," I don't mean "sat on it, nothing happened, and he got off."  I mean, successfully used.

Today was his first day of potty training.

If you think this was too much information, at least I didn't include pictures.  Be grateful.


Sheet Music, the Open Source Way

Earlier today, Nathan was digging through my drawer and found my old recorder flute.  I played a couple simple tunes for him and he LOVED it - he's never really seen me create music before.  Well, my silver Bach Stradivarius trumpet happened to be lying right under the bed.  So I pulled it out for the first time in ten years.  I oiled the valves and played a couple simple tunes on it.  Even with my rusty lips, the horn sounded pretty good, and Nathan wa

Back Up Your Mac on a Network Drive

Macs are kind enough to ship with built-in backup software.  How considerate, right?  Well, not really; it's just another excuse for Steve Jobs to dig his claws into your wallet.  See, the fancy Time Machine software only works if you buy another Apple product to go along with it.  But what if, like me, you've got a Windows or Linux-based media PC?  Can't you use that as a network drive?  Of course you can.  Here's how.

How to Buy Wine Glasses

My sister recently asked me how to buy a set of wine glasses that would actually make the wine taste better.  I thought other people might benefit from this advice as well, so here you go.  If you don't care about the history and the science, then skip down to "What to Buy."  (Although if you care enough to buy nice glasses, shouldn't you care why?)

Daddy in the Kitchen