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New photos . . . finally

I know, it's been a while.  I've been busy.  I've actually been taking fewer photos so my backlog won't grow as quickly.  In fact, I don't think I've posted any new photos since Nathan's birthday.

Anyway, time to remedy that.  For starters, here's Nathan at an Easter egg hunt last month.  Yes, I know, Jews don't celebrate Easter, but I dare you to tell me what's uniquely Christian about searching for colored eggs in tall grass in the springtime.  (Incidentally, it's the only Christian holiday that still follows the lunar calendar, like Jewish holidays.)  The hunt was hosted by my best friend, Aaron Mohamed, and his family.  Stars of the album include Aaron's son, Micah, who's just a few months younger than Nathan, and Aaron's cousin, Megan, who was very nice and helped keep an eye on Nathan.

See the gallery here.