Wikipedia: An Experiment
A recent XKCD comic claimed that if you click through Wikipedia articles long enough, you end up on the article for philosphy. Sometimes such claims are true, and sometimes it's XKCD making a joke that's funny because it sounds plausible, but still has a ridiculous result. So, let's test this theory. The exact rules are as follows:
- Take any article
- Click on the first link in the article text not in parenthesis or italics
- Repeat
- You will end up at the Wikipedia article on "Philosophy"
Ready? Here we go!
Science - We're getting close here!
Mathematics - Uh-oh, we've taken a u-turn from "knowledge" back to mathematics. This might not work!
Property (philosophy) - But wait! We're almost there!
No freaking way. This may be a case of fact following humor, but I got from the Wikipedia article on XKCD to "Philosophy" in only 19 steps. Does this work for other articles? Help me find out!
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