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What is an Entrepreneur?

What is an entrepreneur?  I'm sure you're already cooking up a response in your head.  Well, try this on for size:

 Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.

Credit goes to Harvard Business School professor Howard Stevenson.  (Hat tips to Inc. Magazine and LinkedIn for tipping me off.)  I've been thinking about this a lot, because I've had several opportunities I wanted to pursue, but haven't because of resources currently controlled.  Professor Stevenson would say I'm not living up to the definition.

Well, if affirmation and visualization are the first step, then how about this:

Credit where it's due: The font is Lustria by MadType, courtesy of Google Webfonts.  The photo is mine, and is released under a Creative Commons license.  Photo editing with Gimp, running on Ubuntu Linux.