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Two New Sites: USMC and Family Tree

I've been busy. is now hosting two new sites.

This is a new reenacting group under the American Civil War Association.  I'm hosting it as a favor to my friend Billy.  The administrator of the site, Lawrence, has done a lot of original research on the USMC during the Civil War, as well as the Mexican-American War, WWII, and the Korean War.  I expect this site will have lots of interesting stuff on it soon.

I've been meaning to do a family tree for a long time.  We already have three family trees: one for Koplowicz, one for Isaacs, and one for Belkin.  But there's never been a unified tree, and it's never been online.  Until now.

I used a web app called Webtrees.  The project just started this year, as a spin-off from an older project.  It's open source (of course) and it's the best genealogy app I've ever seen.  I'm looking forward to bringing together various family members to fill out the tree.