Alcatraz: First Look
For once, I'm not talking about the island; I'm talking about the new show. The premise: In 1963 the prison closed and all the prisoners were transfered. "Only, that's not what happened." Now, they're coming back, and the team dedicated to finding them is made up of one corrections officer, one inexperienced-yet-plucky cop, and an overweight comic book nerd.
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Thank You Comcast
It seems like this is becoming a common refrain on the internet. Let me preface it by saying that they're still better than AT&T DSL - I canceled that shit after one week, and I've been putting up with Comcast for over two years now. But I'm getting more and more sick of their abysmal customer service.
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Passing the Uncanny Valley?
A recent review of the new Tintin movie claims that we have finally passed the Uncanny Valley, and thus a whole new vista of hyper-real animation is open to us. I'm not convinced.
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Art Imitates Art
Credit to Jason Kottke for letting me know about this: apparently it's a thing to make photographs that imitate famous paintings. Here's an example:
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Remembering the Jewish Spring
I've previously blogged about the true story behind Hanukah. To recap: it had nothing to do with oil in the lamp. That was made up by rabbis hundreds of years later, in a deliberate attempt to water down the true message of the holiday.
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