Help me test something
Google just came out with their own version of the "Like" button. I'm testing it on my website. Please help me by clicking on the "+1" button.
This is Google's third or fourth attempt to chip away at Facebook. Will it work? Hard to say.
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New photos . . . finally
I know, it's been a while. I've been busy. I've actually been taking fewer photos so my backlog won't grow as quickly. In fact, I don't think I've posted any new photos since Nathan's birthday.
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Wikipedia: An Experiment
A recent XKCD comic claimed that if you click through Wikipedia articles long enough, you end up on the article for philosphy. Sometimes such claims are true, and sometimes it's XKCD making a joke that's funny because it sounds plausible, but still has a ridiculous result. So, let's test this theory. The exact rules are as follows:
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Gallery is back!
I recently blogged about switching web hosts. 6 weeks into it, I'm still pretty happy with Hostgator, they're a lot more Drupal-friendly, even with the cheapest hosting package (which is cheaper than Powweb). I've had a couple reliability issues, and they say that's what you get on a shared server, but Hostgator still advertises 99.99% uptime and I haven't been getting that in the past couple weeks. And it freaked out a client, which is not cool.
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Come hear my lecture
I'll be giving a lecture tomorrow at Hastings on Open Source and its implications for scientific research. It's free and open to the public.
Come hear me speak tomorrow at 198 McAllister, Room K.
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