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New Kid, New Gallery

It's time to upload some photos of Aaron (since he's almost 2 weeks old) but my old photo gallery stopped working.  It was getting pretty long in the tooth anyway; the software behind it (Gallery2) is three years old.  It never integrated properly with Drupal and took a lot of work to maintain.  It's still active for, and you can still access all the old photos and features at

Realistic Space Battles

Here's a 7,000 word essay on what realistic space battles would look like.  I don't agree with every point; I do think stealth would be useful, and I think regular machine guns would be useful too.  In addition, the essay briefly considers the fact that any adequately large battleship, or even space freighter, could be a dangerous weapon against a land target like a city, but doesn't really deal with the strategic implications of that.