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Break it Down: The Opinions of Paddy Magee

This song has a story behind it.  At Roaring Camp last month, someone dropped by my camp with a gift.  Sadly, I was out, and the benificent stranger didsn't stay around long enough to identify himself.  I still don't know who it was, but he gave me a copy of a wonderful album called The Irish Volunteer by David Kincaid.  There's some wonderful music on the disc, but this one in particular jumped out at me:

Break it Down: I'se the B'y

This is a new thing: breaking down historical songs.  If you know me, you know I love 18th-century folk songs, particularly Irish-American songs and sea chanties.  But I've found you enjoy it even more when you understand what they're saying.  First, an old favorite, I'se the Bye.  I grew up on this song, and I used to believe that I was, in fact, the Boy.

It's Official

I've switched careers and am now a full-time web developer.  My last legal contract job finished two weeks ago, and I informed the temp agency that I was not interested in doing more.  Does this mean I'm no longer an attorney?  Not quite.