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I Am the April Fool

Every once in a while the world reaches out to you and does something totally unexpected. This is one of those times.

I came home at 2 am last night and found a letter waiting for me. The return ominously said “Hamfield | Davis LLP” but did not include a return address. I opened the envelope and found this treasure:

Google vs. Yahoo: Geotagging

I've hardly made it a secrety that I love Google and everything they do.  But I also like to emphasize that I don't think everything they do is wonderful simply because I'm a fanboy.  Rather, I am a fanboy because everything they do is wonderful.  If the day comes where they start making terrible products, or someone else is making better, then I will switch allegiance.  Will that day come?  Probably; I used to say the same thing about Yahoo.

Bikers vs. Cars

There's an old rivalry in San Francisco between bikers and car drivers, and every once in a while someone dies.  Everyone in SF is either a biker or a driver, and so everyone has already taken sides.  Here's my position:

You're both wrong.