I'm looking for work


The bar's over and it's time to face the real world. I've received some fantastic advice and am aware of lots of resources, which is good. Hopefully that will translate into an actual job.


Dick Cheney on whether we should have invaded

I won!

You know how radio stations do that thing, "be caller #9 and you'll win ______"?  Well, I was caller #9.  I won two all-day passes to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.  I've been meaning to take Yelena there anyway.

I've never won anything like this before.  I'm stoked.

(I guess I should listen to Alice 97.7 FM more often!)


The Relationship Lifespan of a Gaming System


Maybe we shouldn't pull out just yet?

Two former Iraq war critics turn around and recognize that we are in fact making progress.  This may go against the conventional wisdom, but the authors point out that since the Bush administration has lost all credibility, and since the anti-war critics have been right for so long, we forget that things can change.

Yes it does.

Dilbert comic

Pictures finally going up!

I had a problem uploading photos recently but I've fixed (see below for the technical description). Props to my host, Powweb, for (a) having great phone support and (b) having fantastic hosting features, way better than most companies, especially for under $10 a month!

At long last, here are the new/updated galleries:

See below for the technical description of the problem & solution.

"Hey Jordan, what's up?"

Nothing.  Not a God damn thing.  I'm studying for the bar, remember?

Seriously, there has been some minor news lately, and I haven't had time to blog about all of it, so here's the short version:

4th of July: Took the entire day off.  Had a barbecue in Golden Gate Park with Aaron Mohammed & some friends.  It was fantastic.

Bill Maher on France

The Guantánamo I Know - New York Times


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