
I'm still here!  After 11 years on Drupal 7, I've upgraded.  It goes to 11 now.


Many, Many New Videos

I've been doing photography in earnest for 11 years now, but I've never really worked with video.  When Nathan was born, we bought a camcorder.  There's been a slow dribble of videos making their way to Youtube, but I haven't uploaded much from the past three years.  Part of it was lack of time and computing power, too.  But now I have a fancy new laptop (which I bought for web design) and a 160 minute commute, which I mostly use for web design, but which also leaves plenty of time (and computing power) for other things - like video processing.

Scraping the Bottom

This is it: my photo backlog of four years is all gone.  Every single photograph I've ever shot has been processed, and the good ones uploaded to the intertubes.  Here are the final sets.

First, for your viewing pleasure, may I offer the San Francisco Zoo:

Almost done

I've been taking advantage of my commute to go through the rest of my photo backlog, and I'm almost done.  Here are the updates:

Panoramas from the roof of my old apartment in the Haight:


Blue Angels at Fleet Week:

Leaving Your Wallet At Home

There's been more and more talk recently about using your cell phone to pay for things.  I'm all for it.

"But, what if I lose my cell phone?"  Well, what if you lose your wallet?  If you take something valuable out of the house, there's always a chance that something can go wrong.  But that's always true.  Besides, if you're smart, you've already protected your phone so you can get it back or deactivate it if it gets stolen.

Daddy in the Kitchen