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Koppie's 2010 Voter Guide

I've been going through the ballot and want to share my recommendations.  I know I've got friends from both ends of the political spectrum--far left and far right--and please understand that I respect your right to have a different opinion.  The reason you're my friend is because you feel the same about me.

The list isn't complete yet, but it will be updated over the next few days.  Stay tuned to find out what I think about everything.


More Videos

Some of these videos are old, going back eight months.  But video editing is a lot harder than still editing, at least for me.  Anyway they're finally uploaded:

Troubleshooting: Droid Gallery

Update: The problem came back and I got sick of fighting it.  So I found an excellent replacement from the Market: 3D Gallery.  It's essentially the same program, so you get all the same functionality, even the nifty eye-candy, but it doesn't crash.  I call that a win.

Still, if you would like to struggle with the built-in Gallery, read on.