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My Weekend: Nathan the Reenactor, Daddy the Company Commander, and a 9/11 Moment

Nathan attended his second reenactment this weekend and he did great.  Part of it is that he's an easy-going guy who likes people (and they like him).  Part of it is I think the open spaces and fresh air are good for him (especially since he's growing up in a large city - something I never had to do).  Part of it is that reenacting is fun.  And part of it is our wonderful Camp Mom Judy and her daughter Rebecca, both of whom spent a lot of time watching Nathan so Daddy could go lead troops in drill and battle.  Big thanks to both Adams girls.

Updated: James Joyce Quotes

I've been slowly making my way through Ulysses, a process that has already taken several years.  As I go, I've been writing down my favorite quotes, of which there are many.  Here's an updated list:

–Oh, my name for you is the best: Kinch, the knifeblade.

–Lend us a loan of your noserag to wipe my razor.

–The snotgreen sea.  The scrotumtightening sea.

–It is a symbol of Irish art.  The cracked lookingglass of a servant.

–The Sassenach wants his morning rashers.

–Dedalus, come down, like a good mosey.