
Haiku Headlines | Headlines of Today. In 17 syllables. What more do you need?

Some of you already know that I brief my law school cases using Haiku.  I've occaisionally done it with other things (like insulting my friends).  But every major news story?  I love it.

Little news nuggets
CNN eat your heart out
Feng shui on the web

You're really reading this!

My web stats page tells me 668 unique visitors have visited my site this month. Not counting search engines or other bots. 85% of these people have bookmarked me. Most of these people use Windows with Internet Explorer; they obviously haven't been reading my rants against the Evil Empire. I've also been linked to by other sites, including one site that quoted one of my movie reviews:
Movie Star Blog: Movie Reviews: Butterfly Effect

That's hot.

Way, WAY beyond "wash me."

Scott Wade's Dirty Car Art Gallery

Note: this doesn't mean "dirty art on cars."  It's art on dirty cars.  Safe for work/class.  Have fun.


I've been wearing hats for nearly seven years now.  I had a rough idea of hat etiquette, but never really took the time to check the actual rules.  Now I have.  Here they are:


Why do you care?  Well, now you can point it out when I make a faux-pas.  I know several of my friends would be thrilled to have a chance to point out wrongdoing on my part.


Know a good barber?

Barber, hairdresser, whatever the hell you want to call it.  I need a good one.  There are two cheap salons on Haight Street and they both suck.  There's also an expensive salon, ca.

Not for the faint of heart

Shelley The Republican

It took me a few minutes to realize this web site is a satire.  But mainstream conservatives (ie. Anne Coulter) are so nutty these days, it was hard to tell.   Satire is really just a veiled form of criticism.  This criticism of right-wing ideology is excellent.

Hooray for grog!

Ever wonder where we got the word "grog"?  Of course you have.

grog - Definitions from Dictionary.com

Want to win Awesome Points?

Put this on your wall and you will be awesome.
blik INVADER: blik



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