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Free at last

Thankfully, my hosting account with Powweb is about to expire, so I've transfered to HostGator. I've had great success hosting with HostGator for the past six months; their site is much more responsive, they support Drupal, and their tech support is lightyears ahead of Powweb. Unfortunately, my domains are still registered with Powweb for another year. So I went to the Powweb control panel to point my domains to HostGator . . . and the control panel's broken.

It's not that I'm anti-Palestine . . .

. . . because I'm not.  The Two-State Solution is the only real solution, and I'm ashamed that the current Israeli administration has trouble accepting that.  At the same time, I don't support the upcoming Hastings panel on how Palestinians can sue Israelis because it's one-sided.  The unfairness inherent in such a panel is even more evident after the latest Hamas rocket attacks against Israeli civilians.  Where's the legal recourse for that?