Welcome to Site B

I don't blog much any more; most of my online presence is elsewhere.  Here's how to find me:

Professional networking, and the occasional industry-related post.  Only for business contacts I already know.

Mostly professional tweets.

Facebook is my social network for personal friends & family - people I hang out with IRL.

Most of my new content goes here.  This is the best place to find cute kids.


10 years 6 months ago
I am pleased to announce my new professional website, Koplowicz & Sons.  It's the product of several weeks' worth of effort.  In the process, I taught myself several new technologies,... more
10 years 6 months ago
There's been a fair bit of buzz on a petition to let Texas secede from the Union.  The logic is (a) they want to, and (b) the rest of us would be better off without them.  It's hilarious... more
10 years 6 months ago
It's time to upload some photos of Aaron (since he's almost 2 weeks old) but my old photo gallery stopped working.  It was getting pretty long in the tooth anyway; the software behind it (... more
10 years 6 months ago
Hat tip to APOD for turning me on to this.
10 years 6 months ago
Here's a 7,000 word essay on what realistic space battles would look like.  I don't agree with every point; I do think stealth would be useful, and I think regular machine guns would be useful... more