Ubuntu is still the best

Which Distro to choose? - Comparison

In this thoughtful, fact-based comparison between the distros, Ubuntu compares very well.  Ubuntu makes it easy to install software, easy to upgrade, and has a good combination of cutting edge and long term support.  Of course, this comparison is very cursory, and doesn't cover things like hardware support, multimedia support, or fresh installation.  Still, it's a useful and relevant comparison.
It seems to me there are two types of people:

How to turn your linux box into a print server

How to make Windows use CUPS IPP

That guide is a little more complex than it needs to be. Here's the simpler version.

Viacom v. Google

Sophisticated legal analysis. From the Daily Show.


Try to fool Google Maps

  1. Get Google Maps directions from New York, New York to Paris, France
  2. Look at line #23

Credit to Matt Harris for this one.


Sign of the times

I just left a friend of mine in the Gold Room.  He was giving the finger to a bottle of coke.

"The times" would be the end of our 3L year.  I've literally been staggering around all morning because I'm running on caffeine and no sleep.


This should be a spectator sport

Just give me beer, a hot dog, a lawn chair, and an air horn, and I'm all set.

Norwegians try to pull a car out of the ocean

Yes, it's a PowerPoint file. No, it doesn't have any viruses. I give it the Koppie stamp of approval (and it was scanned by Norton).  Credit to Sam Belkin for this one.

Next thing I know . . .

I was doing research for my paper that's due next week. No, really, I was. Fast forward five minutes. "Hey, they have personality tests!"

SeinfeldThe Family Guy Out-Of-Work Quiz on tbs.com

My computer has a sexy female voice.

Here's how to do it:

Start with Linux. I recommend Kubuntu Feisty Fawn.

Never mind I fixed it! For the rest of you, here's how to do it:

sudo apt-get install kttsd festival

Download the Festvox female voice here: http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/cmu_arctic/packed/cmu_us_slt_arctic-0.95-release.zip

New and improved!

I've finally upgraded my guestbook. The problem with the old one was that I had no spam protection. I had to turn on approval, which meant every single guestbook entry had to be approved by me before it would show up in the book. But the only entries I ever got were spam; it got to the point where I was getting a hundred spams a month. I couldn't keep up with them so my approval queue got clogged up to the point where I couldn't even load the control panel any more.

So, my guestbook languished away, effectively dead. Until now.

Not who you'd think

This morning I was riding to work and a fight broke out between two passengers. One was an older man who clearly had mental issues. The other was a young, well-dressed woman obviously on her way to work downtown. Guess whose fault it was?


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